How to stay motivated as a mid-level manager

They work for you as a mid level manager myself . How do I stay motivated ? Because I , that resonates a lot with me .

This is the key to work place culture #garyvee #shorts

Changing your culture because you're so driven by a number of goals . Success is actually stopping you from getting to the thing you want attention is the number one asset we lost as a major client .

Motivate yourself with love not fear #garyvee #shorts

It should be non negotiable . And then as far as motivating yourself , look , you're not going to work harder because you're saying you're a piece of shit . If you're sitting there , I suck , you're not going to , I promise you fear and negativity is a short term motivator .

How AI will affect content creation #garyvee #shorts

The gentleman who said you inspired me in the talk just now inspiration . I took some action today , talked to my son this morning called him .

The #1 reason your business is not growing enough #garyvee #shorts

Number one reason brother that most people here will not scale to the level that they want to is because they don't love their employees enough . The real answer to the quiz is realizing you work for people , not , they're beholden to you because you write their check the way that employers treat employees when they have big aspirations and it's their company .